Hearing His Voice


I dropped to my knees in quiet desperation

I opened my mouth to whisper a prayer

Instead a loud scream poured from the depths of my soul

All the way up to my Father’s tender ears


I heard nothing

My screams become louder

The tears start to flow

I am swimming in confusion

Wondering why???

Suddenly, I become silent

Defeated… I surrender

Throwing my hands up to the heavens

Yet silent in sound

A soft breeze begins to blow

A hummingbird lands on my window sill

The sun starts to rise

I look to my left and see a single rose blooming

I slowly close my eyes…

And I hear His voice…

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”


In His Arms…πŸ’ž

It’s 5am
Her feet hit the ground with a fiery energy
Her mind gets busy with all the things she will set out to accomplish in this day
She walks into the next room where her sweet little angel dreams of being a Supergirl princess
She gets her up and ready
Drops her at school where she ducks out before she can be missed
On the train she thinks
So much on her mind she doesn’t know which thought she should tackle first
Her mind overflows with information
So many thoughts and concerns
Goals, plans and aspirations
Hurt, anger, sadness
Her life is ever changing
Before one problem is solved
Another emerges
She tries to breathe before the next stop
Her heart pounds with anxiety
What awaits her there?
No one knows her life story
No one understands…
Sometimes she is tired…
She too deserves rest
Who will hold their arms open for her
Reassure her that all will be well
Wrap her in love and understanding
Who will give her rest?
She sits in these thoughts for a minute
Bows her head
Taking a moment to reflect
The answer has been there all along
He will give her rest
As only He can…πŸ’›


Sometimes the heart breaks…

Creating a path where our loving Father is finally allowed to enter…

Where He becomes the Healer of our spirit…

The Potter of our soul…

Rebuilding, reshaping and putting it back together again…only now to be whole…

The renewed heart beats louder…stronger!!!
For it is now filled with the purest of love

How to love her…β€πŸ’‹

He came at her with a bullshit line
Girl you so fine
He said…
She slapped his face with a swift roll of the eyes

With a

simple reminder that an aged wine is fine

A lady is not

She is a treasure

Sacred and cherished

A precious rarity in a world filled with commonality

A unique beauty inside and out

She is to be realized, recognized and appreciated

She is to be approached with a godly admiration

She is to be loved with a gentleness that is strong enough to hold her

She should always feel safe and protected

Wrap her in your arms tight

Assure her that you will always be there

And mean it!
