

Just me and the birds up before the sun

I remain silent and still for a moment…

Listening and watching as they buzz around

I swear they’re singing to me…a beautiful love song

Bouncing happily from tree to tree

I watch as the squirrels dance in the leaves

The sun starts to rise softly upon my face

Lighting the earth with joy

The sky is filled with wonderful color!

What a beautiful time of morning this is…

All these things serve as lovely reminders that seeking God and all His greatness early is the key to a joyous day!

Rain drops


Have you ever just sat still and listened to the rain?

Like the waves of the ocean crashing against the shore

Its gentle sound calms and comforts the soul

The melody of raindrops falling against the land reminds us that God cleanses the heart

The sweet smell reminds us that He refreshes the spirit

The flowers blooming are living evidence that He renews the mind

The bright colors that surround the Earth remind us that He brings all things light and life!

And when the sun rises, covering everything in a blanket of His Love and His Light

A beautiful rainbow spilling across a clear blue sky

We are reminded,

Weeping may endure for a night,

Yet His mercies are renewed with the coming of every new dawn
